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Four Months to Go to Smoke-Free Status

UALR is now only four months away from becoming a smoke-free campus. On Aug. 16, 2009, the new smoke-free policy will apply to all locations of the University, including the main campus, the Bowen School of Law, and the Benton Center.

Health Services encourages all smokers to investigate UALR’s smoking cessation program, which currently boasts a 100 percent quit rate for participants who are utilizing the medication, Chantix.

“This success rate beats all current published literature,” said Health Services Director Janis Lewis. “Why not join your friends and colleagues and ‘pick a day to save your life?'”

Among comments she has received from successful participants (now smoke free):

  • “I have smoked 1.5-2 packs per day for 30 years, and I never believed I could get off cigarettes. This program has changed my life.”
  • “They (Health Services) made it so easy for me to get in, get assessed for the right medication, and get in and out in between classes; it actually was easy to quit! I’m telling all my friends they’re missing out if they don’t get in on this…NOT TO MENTION, IT’S FREE!!!!!! (8-year smoker, 1 pack a day)
  • “After 4 days on Chantix, I literally got sick just smelling the cigarette smoke on my husband…now he’s on Chantix, too! Our family is going to be smoke free, thanks to this program.  (15- year smoker, 1 pack a day)

To find out more information about UALR’s smoking cessation program, including new online classes, call 501.569.3188.