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Business Papers to be Published

A number of professors in UALR’s College of Business have publications set to hit the street. Among them are:

  • Dr. Stephanie Farewell, associate professor of accounting, received notification of her sixth manuscript acceptance this year. “Attesting Adios! Airways’ XBRL Filings: A Case Study on Performing Agreed-Upon Procedures,” co-authored with Roger Debreceny, is forthcoming in Accounting Education: An International Journal.
  • Dr. Cynthia Daily, associate professor of accounting; Roger Dorsey, accounting instructor; and Dr. Gaurav Kumar, assistant professor of accounting, have a manuscript, “Readability of Tax Court Opinions,” which will be published in Advances in Taxation, a highly respected academic tax journal. It is now posted on the web version.
Dr. Clay Posey
  • A new member of the management faculty, Dr. Michael “Clay” Posey, received notification that two manuscripts have been accepted for publication: “Proposing the online community self-disclosure model: the case of working professionals in France and the U.K. who use online communities” in European Journal of Information Systems and “When computer monitoring backfires: Privacy invasions and organizational injustice as precursors to computer abuse” in Journal of Information System Security.