Three Honored by Staff Awards
Jennifer Moody, the always smiling student services coordinator in the dean’s office of the Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology, won the “Service to UALR Award” last week at the Staff Senate’s annual awards reception.
Lauren K. Sukany in the Office of International Services, won the “Personal Growth” award, and R. Ben Gilbert in the Graduate Institute of Technology, won the “Service to Community” award.
“I first met Jennifer at a high school career fair, where she was out in the field recruiting during the spring of 2008,” said Anthony Keener, a sophomore systems engineering major. “My impression of the recruiters played a huge role in my decision about where to go to college, and Jennifer is why I’m here today.”
Once students are enrolled at EIT, they find Jennifer always there, with an open door and a smiling face, ready to help – or just listen – whether the subject is academic or personal.
“Since my first day of college, I’ve always known that Jennifer was a great person to go to for help with problems both inside and outside the classroom,” said Wes Copeland, a junior computer science major.
“Instead of recognizing me only as a number after I was recruited to EIT, Jennifer has always been one of the main people who made me feel valued and respected as an individual.”
Sukany, administrative specialist in the Office of International Services, started work at UALR delivering mail, where she learned about on-campus offices.
“One of them was the Office of International Services, and a year later I was recruited by OIS as the Administrative Specialist,” she said. It was the first time she had held an administrative position, but she learned and blossomed in the job.
“I did not stop at answering phones, making appointments, and general office maintenance. I pushed myself to find a personal mission for the department,” Sukany said.
“I transferred the office files digitally, supervised and eventually hired and trained our graduate assistants, and created a monthly newsletter, the OIS Post. These major things really pushed me personally.”
Her ambition motivated her to acquire needed technology skills, learning the electronic filing system ImageNow, Mac programs, Microsoft programs, Adobe, Banner, ARGOS, and more.
“I have learned so much and grown so much since being here,” Sukany said. “I definitely give thanks to those who nominated me because I know that they have seen this growth firsthand.”
Gilbert, mechanical design engineer and shop coordinator in the Graduate Institute of Technology, doesn’t know which of his community activities landed him UALR’s Service to the Community, because the list of his volunteer activities is so extensive.
He is a charter particiant in the canvascommunity church, teaches Sunday School and participates in the music ministry at Trinity United Methodist Church; is a charter member of the River City Men’s Chorus, singing first tenor; and coaches Junior Deputy baseball.
The annual awards are sponsored by the UALR Staff Senate.