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Thornton Recognized for Rehab Help

thorntonMelanie Thornton, associate director of the Disability Resource Center, has received the Arkansas Distinguished Advocate Award from the Arkansas Chapter of the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired.

She was honored for her work providing accessibility assistance to UALR students needing help with online classes, including visually impaired students.

“This includes providing technical assistance to blind students using Blackboard, as well as providing extensive help on weekends and evenings to a former UALR student who is deaf and blind and transferred to a university that had very limited expertise in providing accommodations,” said William H. Jacobson, chair of the Orientation and Mobility Program in the Department of Counseling, Adult and Rehabilitation Education (CARE).

“This is a recognition that is long overdue, and exemplifies the skill and dedication Melanie has embodied as long as I’ve been privileged to know her.”