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Lecture Discusses ‘Humanities on Life Support’

Dr. Matthew Abraham, a fellow in the DePaul University Humanities Center who is focused on the continued relevance of the humanities within the contemporary university, will speak at UALR Tuesday, Nov. 22, at an event sponsored by the William G. Cooper Jr. Honors Program in English.

The lecture, “The Humanities on Life Support? Re/(En)-visioning the Future of the Liberal Arts at the Corporate University,” will be at 7 p.m. in Ledbetter Hall Rooms A and B in the Donaghey Student Center. The event is free and open to the public. For more information on Abraham’s lecture, contact Paul Yoder, professor of English, at 501-569.8321 or at

Abraham, an associate professor of writing, rhetoric, and discourse at the Chicago university, is a 1995 and 1998 graduate of UALR, where he majored in English and history and completed his M.A. degree in rhetoric and writing. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University in 2003.

Abraham’s publications have appeared in Cultural Critique published by the University of Minnesota Press, South Atlantic Quarterly published by Duke University Press, the Journal of Cultural And Religious Theory, Arab Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Advanced Composition, and several other journals.

He is completing a manuscript on academic freedom and debates about the Israel-Palestine conflict. In 2005, he received the Rachel Corrie Courage in the Teaching of Writing Award sponsored by the progressive SIGS of the Conference on College Composition and Communication.