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UALR Offers Parking Trolleys

UALR starts a new, free shuttle service – the Trojan Trolley – beginning Tuesday, Jan. 17, as a safe and convenient service for students and employees who park in campus perimeter parking lots or who live in nearby apartment complexes.

trolley renderingTwo trolleys will run a constant loop of two different routes north and south of campus that bring passengers to and from their cars and apartments to central campus locations. The route map highlights the two different loops and their stops.

The trolley routes will run from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday through Thursday and 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday. The shuttles are wheelchair accessible and can accommodate 24 people seated and about 45 people total (seated and standing).

Chancellor Joel E. Anderson said the new service is in response to suggestions from students and employees, and he expects the first year, a trial period, to lead to a permanent shuttle service.

“Student safety and convenience are primary reasons for the shuttles. We also hope to attract more drivers to the free outlying parking lots, which offer many open parking spaces at all times of the day and evening,” Chancellor Anderson said.

trolley signThe university issued a request for proposals for a shuttle service contract last fall, and a private Little Rock company, Arkansas Destinations, was selected. Arkansas Destinations will provide the trolleys and drivers for a 48-week contract.

The Maroon Trolley loop will run the south route, with pickup sites at South Oaks and Coleman Place apartments, and the University Plaza parking lot. Riders will be taken to a stop near the Donaghey Student Center and a stop on Campus Drive near the Administration building and Stabler Hall.

The Silver Trolley loop will pick up students from parking lots 13, 14, and 15 on the northern perimeter of campus. Riders will be taken to a stop near the Fine Arts Building on Campus Drive West and the Donaghey Student Center.

The pilot routes may be adjusted to meet campus needs according to Dave Millay, associate vice chancellor for Facilities Management, whose department will oversee the new service.