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Students to Examine Appalachian Geology

A delegation of students and faculty from UALR’s Department of Earth Sciences is heading for the Geological Society of America annual meeting in Charlotte, N.C., this week to present research combined with a field trip to study Appalachian geology.

Dr. Laura Ruhl, assistant professor of earth sciences, will lecture on her work regarding the validation of novel environmental tracers in relation to coal combustion residuals.

Doctoral student Haveen Rashid will speak on the “Groundwater Flow Model of the Mississippi River Valley Alluvial Aquifer of Cache Critical Area.”

Dr. Beth McMillan, associate professor of earth science, will present a poster regarding the use of virtual visualization tools and a case study approach to improve learning about sedimentary rocks and minerals in an online introductory geology lab course.

“In addition, we are taking 12 students with us on a field trip through the Great Smoky Mountains National Park to look at Appalachian geology,” McMillan said. “While at the meeting, the students are expected to attend talks and [peruse] posters of interest to them and attend mentor breakfasts and industry-sponsored lunches.”

The meeting will also allow students to meet and talk with prospective employers and graduate school representatives.

Students attending include Jessica Brown of St. Louis, Corbin Cannon of Tulsa, Okla.; Chris Allen of Gravel Ridge, Jason Dodd of Benton, Kelly Ho of Jonesboro; Blake Forrest and Kirk Rodgers, both of North Little Rock; and Abby Wyant, John Hutchison, Eric Allaby, Elizabeth Eberle, and Tim Fitzhugh, all of Little Rock.