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Saluting Our Veterans

It wasn’t quite bone-rattling cold, yet there was a hint of winter on a chilly Monday morning as dozens gathered to honor our nation’s veterans.

A small sacrifice on our part to pay tribute to those who have endured so much more.

We set aside this day each year to honor those faculty, staff, and students at UALR who are veterans. The posting of the colors, the national anthem, the playing of taps, all of these rituals hold special significance for those in the military or whose loved ones have served.

The GI Bill makes it possible for many soldiers to complete their education. Among those is Sam High, who shared his story of serving in Vietnam before being honorably discharged and then getting his bachelor’s degree.

These sacrifices made by veterans give us the many freedoms that we hold so dear and the choices that we get to make every day of our lives.

Just as the student veterans served our country to ensure our freedom, the UALR Office of Veterans Office serves our student veterans and their dependents who are enrolled in school by certifying their enrollment to the VA Regional Office timely. The VA Regional Office then processes monthly stipends to the student veterans. Student veterans rely greatly on these monthly stipends to pay their tuition, for living expenses, etc.

Some of the benefits our office offers our student veterans are:

  • Registration confirmation for benefit-eligible students
  • A Resource Room that has three computers and a printer available for student use – two of the computers have a CAC card reader connection
  • A break/study area, along with access to fax and scan capabilities

Visit for more information about how veterans can receive help in returning to school.

Are you a solider and a student? Leave a comment below telling us your story.