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Breedlove Scholarship Aids Transfer Goals

Fifteen years after she graduated from high school in Fordyce, Waynette Lochridge Franklin nervously took the Compass Test to enter a two-year college program.

“When I started college all I wanted to do was pass and not embarrass myself,” the UALR junior said. “I had been out of high school for 15 years, and I lacked confidence in my abilities. What I found is not only did I pass, I excelled.”

College was something that wasn’t really discussed when Franklin was in high school, but she started to contemplate higher education after an experience substitute teaching.

“That experience gave me the desire to teach, but initially my goal was to be a registered nurse. After taking several science courses, I discovered I had a niche for science,” she said.

“Nursing is a wonderful career for some people, and I would have been a good nurse, but I truly feel like teaching is where I will make the biggest impact on my life and others.”

Franklin graduated with an associate’s degree from Southeast Arkansas College with high honors and a blossoming desire to become a science teacher. Thanks to UALR and the Shelby Breedlove Scholarship, she is well on her way.

“While getting a college degree may seem out of reach financially, everyone needs to realize there are several scholarships available. All you have to do is ask someone in financial aid which scholarships are available for you. It’s easy!” – Natalie Newkirk, 2012 Shelby Breedlove Scholar and Speech Pathology major

The endowed scholarship for students transferring to UALR from a two-year institution in Arkansas offers up to $16,000 for two years. Recipients are required to have 45 transferable credit hours and a cumulative transfer grade point average of at least 3.25.

December 1 is the priority deadline to apply for the Breedlove scholarship, and the final deadline is Feb. 1, 2013.

Stephanie Conrad, the private scholarship coordinator, can help interested students with applications. Her office is located in room 215 of the UALR Student Services Center. Contact her at 501-683-7650.

I promised my grandmother and my mother … I am going to college.” When that door opened, I never looked back.” –Toby Daughtery, Shelby Breedlove Scholar and School of Social Work graduate; Keynote speech at 2011 Achieving the Dream Strategy Institute Conference

“Education is never out of reach for anyone, if they want it bad enough,” Franklin said. “Determination and persistence are key to finding financial assistance. Age or financial ability should never be a limiting factor on whether or not someone pursues a higher education.

“It’s not easy, but nothing worth doing ever is.”

Learn how to apply for transfer scholarships at the UALR Admissions Transfer Scholarships site.