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How I Learned to Stop Snacking and Love the Fitness Ball

Thanksgiving, that tryptophan-filled holiday of treats and sweets, marks the beginning of the end of the fall semester.

For many of us, it could also be the beginning of the end of whatever health regimen we might be following. If we were being good thus far, indulging a little too much later this week could get us off track.

Cue the fitness program here at UALR. There are so many ways to stay active. Did you know there are more than 30 fitness classes offered every week, from boot camp to Zumba? In addition, the Donaghey Fitness and Aquatic Center features state-of-the-art exercise equipment, including bikes, elliptical machines, treadmills, and weight-assist stations.

Of course, we can’t forget about the Olympic-sized swimming pool, the track, basketball and racquetball courts, and my personal favorite, the table tennis area.

And thanks to the UALR Fit/Well staff, many around campus have taken a step in the right direction to reach their fitness goals, me among them.

I’ve gotten up from the couch to endure boot camp twice a week. I’ve gone from having a chocolate stash to a water bottle collection. I’ve done more sit-ups in eight weeks than I probably have my entire life. I even worked in a couple of push-ups. I learned the secret to staying on a fitness ball – it involves engaging your core.

Want in on another little secret? College is about experiencing all that this setting has to offer and becoming who you are meant to be, and everyone wants you to succeed at that. The Fit/Well instructors are great teachers and motivators. They are here for members, which includes students, faculty, staff, Alumni Association members, and guests. They even offer personal trainer sessions (while classes are free to members and sponsored guests, these sessions cost).

While fitness classes will go on break for about a month during winter break, rest assured that come spring semester everyone will be back with renewed vigor. For those who make that annual resolution to live better, the Fit/Well staff members make sure we reach our goals, one fitness ball workout at a time.