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Nursing Building showcase state-of-art SimCare facility Wednesday

The official dedication of the new Nursing Building at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock will showcase a new 22-bed, state-of-the art simulation hospital at the school.

UALR Department of NursingDepartmental tours will begin at 9 a.m., followed by a brief speech from UALR Chancellor Joel E. Anderson at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 30.

About 200 nursing alumni and current students participated in an open house for the new facility Oct. 27, and hundreds more potential students packed into the facility during last Friday’s Discover UALR Day.

SimCare, a 9,500-square foot facility in which students deliver patient care in a realistic environment, is located in the former UALR Administration Building, now the Nursing Building, which underwent extensive remodeling at a total cost of about $7 million.

It provides structured, simulation-based learning experiences that ensure that students meet specified learning outcomes across the curriculum, according to Dr. Ann Bain, interim dean of the UALR College of Science.

Bain said SimCare’s environmental accuracy has seen a marked increase since moving to its new home.

With 10 high-fidelity beds, SimCare offers students the ability to learn from structured reflection as it relates to their real-life interactions with SimCare’s family of patient simulators.

These interactions are captured with both fixed and remote-controlled cameras and are equipped with audio capture abilities, as well.

SimCare also offers the ability to broadcast live from the patient’s bedside to any of the three classroom spaces on the second floor, bringing patient care from the bedside to the classroom for dynamic, multimedia content delivery.

The UALR Department of Nursing is the largest department on campus with over 500 active students in various levels of degree completion. It maintains 23 full-time faculty and five dedicated staff members.

For more information, contact Jon Vickers at 501.569.8070 or

More facts about the new SimCare facility:

• Introduction of at least 17 “patients” to nursing students this fall, which will generate over 25 loads of laundry over the semester

 • Meets student learning outcomes this fall by providing over 6,300 student contact hours

 • Offers students the ability to perfect “soft skills” through interactions with highly-trained standardized patients. Two dual-use spaces allow for audio visual recording of these interactions in an informal setting similar to an interview space.

 • Houses four high-fidelity manikins, over six mid-fidelity manikins, and a host of low-fidelity manikins and task trainers.

 • Has built-in hospital grade fixtures for electrical systems, compressed gas and suction, in stark contrast to the converted lab space SimCare previously occupied. The Department of Nursing contributed over $35,000 toward the compressed gas system and fixtures alone.

 • Contains the newly installed Pyxis Medstation 4000, the exact model found in hospitals all over the world, at a cost of $20,000. Contains all medications needed for the hospital to provide care to the SimCare manikins on a daily basis.

 More facts about the newly renovated Nursing Building:

 • One of four original buildings constructed in 1949

 • Housed the first library at what was then Little Rock Junior College.

 • Overall footprint is 10,950-square feet and three stories tall

• Provides over 3,800 square feet of space in addition to a 1,762 square foot computer learning resource center with a 100-station computer lab and student lounge area

• Two 98-seat auditorium style and one 60-seat classroom with modern teaching technology

• In process of being certified LEED Gold, a remarkable feat considering it represents a remodel of a 65-year-old structure

Future plans:

• Anticipated funding of remaining two debriefing rooms with video playback and speaker functions at a cost of $17,000 and replacement of at least one birthing manikin and one high-fidelity patient simulator being retired by the manufacturer

• Anticipated funding for remaining beds to join the existing high-fidelity camera and recording system. There are 12 beds remaining to be added to the system, an average cost of $24,000 each

• Replace three other high-fidelity simulators

• Move toward a more interdisciplinary model