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History Day competition showcases K-12 research

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will host the Arkansas District 7 History Day competition from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday, March 8.

The annual regional competition showcases the historical research of 300 students from 20 elementary, middle, and high schools in central Arkansas.

Thnhd_logois year’s theme is “Rights and Responsibilities in History.”

Students may choose a any local, state, U.S., or world history subject using primary and secondary sources. They will present their research and analysis in the forms of research papers, exhibits, documentaries, performances, or websites.

The top three projects in each category will advance to the state competition at the University of Central Arkansas in April.

UALR's History Day 2013

From there, the top two projects in each category go on to the National History Day competition in College Park, Md., in June.

Contest guidelines are available at For more information, contact Dr. Kristin Mann, professor in the UALR Department of History, at 501.569.3235 or at