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Senior art majors focus of fall exhibit

An exhibition in Gallery III of the UALR Fine Arts Building features the work of senior art majors through Nov. 23.

The Senior Exhibition features the work of Ryan Kemp and Shelby King. Kemp is pursuing a B.A. degree in studio art with an emphasis in drawing and King is pursuing a bachelor of studio art in graphic design.

From Nov. 26 through Dec. 11, the work of seniors Jacqueline McGrath and Nick Sosnoski will be featured. McGrath is pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in painting and Sosnoski is pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in graphic design.

The fall gallery schedule is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays, and Sundays from 2 to 5 p.m. The galleries are closed on university holidays.

For more information, contact UALR Gallery Director and Curator Brad Cushman at or 501.569.8977.

David Bailin, Papers, Mixed Media, Drawing, 2013
David Bailin, Papers, Mixed Media, Drawing, 2013

Other gallery exhibits:
In Gallery I the UALR Faculty Biennial continues through Dec. 12.

Faculty artists include Maribeth Anders, David Bailin, Win Bruhl, Kevin Cate, Gary Cawood, Stephen Cefalo, Taimur Cleary, David Clemons, Tom Clifton, Brad Cushman, Jeffrey Grubbs, Mia Hall, Lali Khalid, Joli Livaudais, Eric Mantle, Carey Roberson, A.J. Smith, David Smith, Marjorie Williams-Smith, Rachel Trusty, Michael Warrick, and Emily Wood.

A variety of studio disciplines are featured in this group exhibition including drawing, printmaking, photography, painting, graphic design, metals, ceramics, and various sculptural processes. Many artists mix various materials together as they create artworks.

In the Maners/Pappas Gallery (formerly known as Gallery II), the Perception/Reality exhibit has been extended through Dec. 2.

All objects in the exhibition have been constructed out of concrete, a noticeably contradicting material, causing an immediate reaction when interacting or touching the work.

The work invites the viewer to contemplate the ideas of perception and the reality presented, which brings the work to life in the moment.

Upcoming exhibitions:
In Gallery I from Jan. 15 through March 2, 2015, the Penland School of Crafts featuring works from the UALR Collection and other local collections will be on display.

In the Maners/Pappas Gallery from Jan. 7 through Feb. 26, 2015, the exhibit “Revere” will feature recent work by metalsmith Jeffrey Clancy.

In Gallery III from Jan. 14 through Feb. 26, 2015, the work of Taimur Cleary, UALR Representational Painter in Residence, will be on display.