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In their memory: scholarship named for brother and sister

In September 2013, Philip and Deborah Palludan established the Ryan Palludan Memorial Scholarship at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock after their son, Ryan, had died suddenly in his sleep from a ruptured aorta.

Palludan Family
Chancellor’s Leadership Corps Scholars Ryan (left) and Katherine (far right) with their mother Deborah Palludan the last time they were all together.

Ryan, 18, was found to have suffered from Loeys-Dietz syndrome, a disorder that affects the connective tissues throughout the body, especially major arteries.

More recently, an unfathomable blow was dealt the Palludans when their 21-year-old daughter, Katherine, died in August following multiple heart surgeries.

The multiple surgeries were related to complications from an initial surgery–one that stemmed from the fact that Katherine also had Loeys-Dietz syndrome, and she exhibited symptoms similar to her brother Ryan.

Katherine, an anthropology major and magna cum laude graduate of UALR, was a Chancellor’s Leadership Corps (CLC) member, just like the younger brother she adored. She will be recognized posthumously during the morning December commencement ceremony.

The Palludans are dealing with their grief one day at a time and honoring Katherine’s memory by adding her name to the award established over a year ago in their son’s name.

The scholarship, now named the Katherine and Ryan Palludan Memorial Endowed Award, provides assistance to UALR students for the purchase of textbooks. The Palludans said they realized how hard it was for some families to deal with the rising costs of textbooks when they first sent Katherine to college.

“Katherine and Ryan Palludan were both respected and loved by their peers in the Chancellor’s Leadership Corps. This is an amazing way to honor their legacies,” said Nick Steele, coordinator of CLC at UALR.

Already, the UALR Student Philanthropy Council has voted to designate any funds their organization raises to the Palludan scholarship, with a long-term goal of $15,000, according to Philanthropy Council co-presidents Chelsey Partain and Morgan Miller, who are also members of CLC.

Preference for the award will be given to Arkansas students who demonstrate leadership and exhibit strong community service and who are pursuing majors in biology, nursing, geology, or anthropology. Academic excellence and financial need will also be strongly considered.

To contribute, send a check payable to the UALR Foundation for the Katherine and Ryan Palludan Memorial Award, c/o UALR, 2801 S. University, Little Rock, AR 72204.

Persons wishing to donate online may also go to

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