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Business major interns at the Republican National Committee

Business Ambassador and University of Arkansas at Little Rock student Michael Silva-Nash is getting a taste of politics in Little Rock and the nation’s capital.

“By being involved, we are making ourselves heard, and that is worth going the extra mile,” Silva-Nash said.

This summer he held an internship with the Republican National Committee’s communications department in Washington, D.C.  Silva-Nash previously served as an intern in the Little Rock and Washington, D.C., offices for Tim Griffin, former U.S. representative and lieutenant governor.

A senior majoring in international business, Silva-Nash chose the Republican National Committee because he wanted to see more of the campaign side of politics.

“Now I had a chance of seeing how folks get to the official office — the tough work that starts on the ground, knocking on doors and walking in parades,” he said.

On a typical day during his summer internship, Silva-Nash sent news clips, updated contact lists, translated news pieces, and worked at the on-site studio.

Silva-Nash had the opportunity to watch and help set up for live and taped interviews at the Republican National Committee’s studio, performing tasks like manning a camera and running the teleprompter for sound bites.

“It was great to see the behind-the-scenes magic,” he said.

His favorite part of the internship? The people at the Republican National Committee.

“From the staffers to my fellow interns, everyone works as a team to achieve goals,” he said. “Everyone looks out for each other and does their best to help one another out.”

Silva-Nash said it was a positive experience with activities he otherwise never would have had the chance to do.

“I would encourage anyone that is interested to get involved in politics,” he said. “Sometimes sharing your opinion isn’t enough by itself — you have to get involved. So no matter what party or ideals you feel affiliated with, it’s important to get out there and knock on doors for a candidate or man the phone bank for a few hours.”

With no plans to become a candidate anytime soon, Silva-Nash hopes to get involved with like-minded candidates and their campaigns in the future.