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Professor Seshadri Mohan serves as technology publication editor

Dr. Seshadri Mohan head shot

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock professor recently served as the lead guest editor for one of the top publications of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

Dr. Seshadri Mohan, professor in the Systems Engineering Department, edited the October 2015 edition of IEEE Communications Magazine, which Mohan said has the widest distribution of the organization’s publications.

For the October edition, Mohan worked with four other guest editors to produce a special issue that included six papers from experts on social and wireless networks. Among the guest editors was Dr. Nitin Agarwal, the Jerry L. Maulden-Entergy chair at UALR. Agarwal, a professor of information science, is a highly sought expert in the field of social media.

Together, the five collaborators also penned a guest editorial titled, Social networks meet next generation mobile multimedia Internet.”  

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers calls itself “the world’s largest professional association for the advancement of technology.” Its core purpose is “to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity.”

IEEE Communications, established in the early 1960s, has a circulation of about 45,000 and is one of the flagship publications of the institute. It has an impact factor higher than 4, a measure of the reputation of articles published.