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Free campus service helps students with public speaking

At the Communication Skill Center, University of Arkansas at Little Rock students learn to take the panic out of public speaking.

One of the oldest university student communication help centers in the nation, the center is devoted to aiding campus and online students with all stages of the presentation process so they become more comfortable and confident speakers.

“All students are welcome in the CSC whether they’re working on a presentation, working on other course work, or just need a friendly place to eat lunch,” said Kristen McIntyre, director.

Located in Speech Building 201, the Communication Skill Center (CSC) offers free services in anxiety management, brainstorming, research, organization, outlining, and PowerPoint/Prezi presentations.

“School is hard at any age, but having a place of refuge on campus is a blessing,” said past intern Sayra Crandall. “I learned that kindness goes a long way, and everyone appreciates a helping hand.”

The center has PC and Mac computers, printers, and small tables for group meetings.

In addition to helping students on site, the center also offers communication workshops both on and off campus.

The staff includes graduate and undergraduate communication students who applied and interviewed for the positions. Staff members participate in a rigorous eight-hour training day before classes begin and meet weekly for additional training.

“Working in the CSC, I learned to not judge a book by its cover,” said graduate assistant Shelby Owens. “I once thought, ‘I am the intern here helping other students understand material.’ But what happened, on multiple instances, is that the students taught me something when I thought I knew it all. Everyone in the CSC is learning from one another. And this connection is what makes me love the CSC.”

About 80 percent of the 1,500 visits to the center each semester involve students who have majors other than speech communication.

The center’s hours are 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Thursday and 8 a.m. to noon Friday. Appointments are available, but walk-ins are welcome.

For more information, call 501-569-8208 or send an email to Information may also be found on the Communication Skill Center webpage.