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Scholarships available for Washington, D.C. internships

Photograph of the nation's capitol building.

Five scholarships are available for University of Arkansas at Little Rock students interested in interning in Washington, D.C. this summer through the Washington Center.

An information session will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, in Stabler Hall 502.

Interested students should contact Dr. Elisabeth Sherwin, a professor of psychology who is the university liaison for the Washington Center, by April 9.

“Don’t let the cost discourage you,” said Sherwin. “We have always managed to make it work for students who were invested in the experience.”

Scholarships available through UALR help cut the Washington Center fees by more than 50 percent. Any student who is a resident of Arkansas, has at least 45 credits at the end of the spring semester, and holds a 3.0 GPA may apply for this opportunity.

Interns will be placed in Washington, D.C. over the summer in sites that are resume builders, such as the Internal Revenue Service, Department of Defense, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Food and Drug Administration, American Psychological Association, as well as assorted museums, political interest groups, and government offices. Additionally, there are a host of health-related organizations and nonprofit agencies available.

Financial aid may be used. Additional funds may be available through the Washington Center, including special scholarships for students with disabilities.

For more information, visit

The Washington Center is the largest independent, nonprofit academic internship program in the country. Founded 40 years ago, The Washington Center’s mission is to build future leaders by instilling in all program participants the need to be well-informed, public-spirited, and socially engaged leaders.