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Reach 13K Kickball Tournament rescheduled for Sept. 10

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock sixth annual Reach 13,000 Kickball Tournament has been rescheduled for Saturday, Sept. 10, at the UALR Coleman Sports and Recreation Complex.

Reach 13,000 Food Drive is a Chancellor’s Leadership Corps nonperishable food drive and UALR service project. A portion of the proceeds and donated food items will go to the UALR Trojan Food Pantry and a local food bank.

To participate in the competition, visit the tournament’s website to create a team by Tuesday, Sept. 6. Teams consist of nine to 12 players. All teams are co-ed and must have at least three female and three male players. At least one team member must be associated with the university.

The team entry fee is a donation of 60 nonperishable items or $100. Teams can arrive at 3:30 p.m. to hand in the entry fee and/or nonperishable items. The first game will begin at 4:15 p.m. Dinner will be provided.