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Catch “The Learned Ladies” Oct. 5-9

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Department of Theatre Arts and Dance will host a performance of “The Learned Ladies” Oct. 5-9.

The play will be performed at 8 p.m. Oct. 5-8 and at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 9 in the Center for Performing Arts University Theatre.

Written by Molière and adapted by Richard Wilbur, the satire play is about people who use learning for social climbing and those who have given up love for intellectual pursuits. A family’s world is complicated by the desires of two lovers who would like to marry, but the couple’s plans are thwarted by the young woman’s jealous older sister, the former love interest of the young man.

The sisters’ mother also has plans for her youngest daughter. She demands that her daughters dedicate themselves to intellectual pursuits. The mother worships the pretentious poetry of an outlandish social climber, whom she has identified as the perfect mate for her younger daughter.

Tickets for UALR students and employees and seniors are $5. General admission tickets are $10. Contact 501.569.3456 for reservations.