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UALR Percussion Ensemble to perform Nov. 29

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Percussion Ensemble will perform on Tuesday, Nov. 29.

The concert will be held at 7:30 p.m. at University Theatre in the UALR Center for Performing Arts.

The program, which is free and open to the public, will feature Warren Benson’s “Trio for Percussion,” “Drummers Canzonetta” by R. W. Buggert, “Animations” by David Steinquest, and “Beat Ballet” by Richard K. LeVan.

The concert will also feature the premiere performance of The Capitol City Percussion Ensemble. Charles Law, UALR director of the Trojan Pep Band and percussion studies, created the chamber group to give professional percussionists and educators the opportunity to perform and explore trio and quartet percussion pieces.

The Capitol City Percussion Ensemble will perform “Trio per Uno” by Nebojsa Jovan, “Apotheosis” by Alan Keown, and select movements of Will Gay Bottje’s work “Mallets”.

For more information, contact the UALR Department of Music at 501.569.3294 or visit