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Organizations collaborate to host compost tumbler workshop

Take a step in promoting a healthy environment with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Sustainability Committee and Garden Alliance Club Saturday, April 15.

Together, these organizations will conduct a workshop teaching participating faculty, staff, and students how to build a compost tumbler, a fully sealed container used to mix composting materials such as leaves and grass clippings.

“The compost tumbler diverts waste from landfills,” said Kathleen Becker, Sustainability Committee member. “Instead of putting your trash in the garbage can, you can use the tumbler and reduce the amount of waste thrown into a landfill by almost 60 percent.”

The tumbler can also be used to make fertilizer for gardens or flower beds.

“Instead of going out to purchase a product from Home Depot, you can make it yourself,” Becker said.

Each workshop participant will make their own compost tumbler to take home.

The event will take place at the campus garden, located on the Worth James property behind Lot 12.

Organizers estimate participation will cost $65 per person, but the expense is subject to the amount of donated materials. Only checks will be accepted.

To sign up or for more information, contact Kathleen Becker at