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UA Little Rock records successful fundraising year

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Donors contributed $18 million in new gifts and pledges to the University of Arkansas at Little Rock during the recently completed fiscal year — the third-highest total in university history.

About 7,300 individuals, corporations, and private foundations made nearly 22,600 gifts from July 1, 2016, to June 30, 2017, including pledges, cash and cash-equivalent contributions.

“The commitment from our donors and the community is both powerful and inspiring,” said UA Little Rock Chancellor Andrew Rogerson. “We are enormously grateful for their continued confidence in our university. Many of these gifts will be used to make UA Little Rock more accessible and more affordable to more students.”

During the past three years, UA Little Rock raised $57.5 million, including a transformational gift from the Windgate Foundation for the construction of the Windgate Center of Art + Design. The nearly 65,000-square-foot facility is set to open for classes in January.

As part of a related initiative, the university is working to complete a $3 million match for art scholarships. The university raised $750,000 toward that purpose during the recently completed fiscal year.

In addition, the university set a record for athletics fundraising, raising $2 million in gifts and pledges, $4 million in student support, and $6.3 million in estate commitments.

Alumni played a pivotal role in the university’s fundraising. UA Little Rock Alumni Association lifetime memberships increased 42 percent from the previous year, and the association generated more than $250,000 in revenue. The association continues to expand its reach with chapter cities throughout the country.

“We are extremely grateful to our passionate alumni and friends from around the nation who continue to support UA Little Rock,” said Christian O’Neal, vice chancellor for university advancement. “We see this year as a key step as we make our way to embarking on the university’s second comprehensive capital campaign.”

Faculty and staff support was an additional highlight from the recent fiscal year. Nearly 50 percent of employees gave to the university through the annual campus giving campaign, which school officials say demonstrates that faculty and staff believe in UA Little Rock’s mission.

“I appreciate the hard work of our external team, led by Andrea Angel, associate vice chancellor for alumni and development, and our directors of development in the colleges for helping us engage our community in effectively raising much-needed private resources,” O’Neal said.

The UA Little Rock foundation now exceeds $73 million in endowed funds.

To learn more about how private giving is making a difference at UA Little Rock and to get involved, visit the development website or call 501.569.3194.