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‘Quills & Pixels’ deadline set for Sept. 20

Staff members of a peer-reviewed student publication at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock will accept submissions from the campus community until Sept. 20.

Quills & Pixels,” will take submissions of nonfiction works, including, creative nonfiction, personal essays, research essays, academic writing, journalistic features, technical communication, and other genres.

Poetry, fiction, and drama submissions will not be accepted.

Writers associated with the UA Little Rock community, including faculty, staff, students, alumni, and people involved in outreach and community programs, are welcome to submit work.

Those affiliated with the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, William H. Bowen School of Law, and Clinton School of Public Service are encouraged to submit work as well.

Contributors can submit up to five pieces to the journal. Before submitting, writers must remove anything from the work that identifies them as the author. If the writer’s name does appear, it is requested that an alias be put in its place.

For consideration of publication, work must be original, redacted, and include a header with a shortened title and page numbers. A title page is not mandatory.

Click here to make a submission or contact the publication at for more information.