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Free workshop will teach restaurants how to incorporate local ingredients in their menu

The Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center, based at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, is offering community members a free workshop to learn how to add locally sourced ingredients to the menus of businesses in the food industry. 

The workshop, “Going Local for Restaurants,” will take place from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Tuesday, Aug. 7, in the Darragh Center Auditorium at the CALS Main Library at 100 S. Rock St., Little Rock.

During the workshop, participants will learn useful strategies for adding local suppliers and managing availability, pricing, and delivery. They also will get tips for promoting their business’s locally sourced menu and maximizing the local-food angle in marketing.

The workshop is the fourth and final in a series presented by ASBTDC in an effort to boost food and beverage businesses this year. The event is co-sponsored by Local First Arkansas and offered at no cost thanks to a Portable Assistance Grant from the Small Business Administration.

The presenter, Marty Butts, is the owner of Small Potatoes, a consulting firm that specializes in working with small-scale and startup food businesses.

Fill out this online form to register for the workshop. For more information, contact the ASBTDC at 501-683-7700.