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UA Little Rock professor to lead dialogue on fake news

Dr. Christopher Etheridge, assistant professor in the School of Mass Communication at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, will speak on “Fake News: Implications for Democracy,” as part of the Arkansas Coalition for Peace and Justice’s Community Dialogue series taking place Tuesday, Oct. 16, from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Darragh suite of the Central Arkansas Library, 100 Rock St. in downtown Little Rock.  

Participants will share their views with fellow citizens on the issues implied by the term “fake news” such as:

  • What is meant by fake news?
  • How do we recognize fake news when we see it?
  • How does the emergence of “fake news” affect our ability to govern ourselves democratically?

Participation is open to everyone, but if attending please RSVP by emailing Michael Craw at