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NPR Morning Edition co-host Steve Inskeep to speak Nov. 12 at UA Little Rock

National Public Radio Morning Edition co-host and author Steve Inskeep will give a “Rule of Law” lecture on Monday, Nov. 12, in the University of Arkansas at Little Rock’s Jack Stephens Center at 6 p.m.

As part of his remarks, Inskeep will discuss the impact then and now on the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The lecture, hosted by the United States Marshals Museum, is free and open to the public.

Inskeep is the co-host of “Morning Edition“, a nationally broadcast daily news program on NPR public radio. He is the author of “Jacksonland,” a forthcoming historic account about Pres. Andrew Jackson’s long-running conflict with John Ross, a Cherokee chief who resisted the removal of Native Americans from the eastern United States in the 1830s. In 1839, Ross’ wife, Elizabeth “Quatie” Ross, fell ill on the Trail of Tears and died in Little Rock. Her headstone is in Little Rock’s Mount Holly CemeteryInskeep also wrote “Instant City: Life and Death in Karachi,” a 2011 book about one of the world’s great megacities.

Former U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit Judge Morris “Buzz” Arnold will introduce the program and moderate the question-and-answer session.

Event sponsors include UA Little Rock, Sequoyah National Research Center, KUAR Radio and NPR.

“We’re excited to bring Steve Inskeep to Arkansas,” said Alice Alt of the U.S. Marshals Museum Foundation. “We are all huge fans of his at the museum, and we’re looking forward to hearing his insights on the Rule of Law, one of our nation’s constitutional bedrock principles and a major part of what the museum will be about.”

The U.S. Marshals Museum, set to open in Fort Smith in the fall of 2019, will tell the story of our nation’s oldest federal law enforcement agency from its establishment by Pres. George Washington through current day. It will focus on civic literacy and the Rule of Law, and feature five immersive galleries – Defining Marshals, The Campfire: Stories Under the Stars, Frontier Marshals, A Changing Nation and Modern Marshals.  

Admission to the lecture is free, but an RSVP is required by Nov.  9.

For more information about the U.S. Marshals Museum, visit