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University Plans International Celebration Day

In the ninth year for UALR to mark International Celebration Day, organizers have changed the event from a single day to a week’s worth of food, education, and fun designed to increase awareness of cultural similarities and differences.

The highlight of this year’s annual International Celebration Week will be a round-table discussion with UALR faculty members focused on the international impact of the 2008 presidential election.

From noon to 1 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 19, a panel discussion titled “The End of the World as We Know it? Global Perspectives on the Elections” will be held in the Donaghey Student Center (DSC) Leadership Lounge. The discussion will feature UALR faculty members Dr. Joe Giammo, domestic politics; Dr. Andy Drummond, European public opinion; Dr. Jacek Lubecki, Middle East, Eastern Europe-Russia; and Dr. David Brice, global economy. KTHV’s Craig O’Neill will facilitate the discussion on the impact of and response to the Nov. 4 elections in various regions in the world.

The week begins with a film festival titled “Travel Round the World” planned to begin Monday, Nov. 17 and continue through Wednesday, Nov. 19. International films will air each night in the Residence Hall Commons; admission is free.

The celebration of the wide world of cultures will continue with the traditional International Celebration fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 18, in DSC rooms A, B, and C. The fair will feature interactive displays, posters, and food. UALR Intercultural Communication students will present educational posters on communicating across cultures including Japan, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, India, China, Latin America, and Jamaica. Various music groups will be featured throughout the day, including an interactive drum circle, a Turkish folk music group, and the UALR Indian percussion ensemble. Middle school and high school students from Children International will attend the event and will be hosted by UALR international students as they engage in various activities design to enhance intercultural awareness.

“International Celebration Week brings the world to UALR by providing international education and experiences for the campus and the community,” said Dr. Gerald Driskill, event coordinator and a faculty member in the Speech Communication Department. “Representatives of Heifer International, International Friendship Outreach, and WinRock international as well as over 25 campus and student organizations representing over 20 national cultures will distribute information and discuss career and volunteer opportunities throughout the world. In addition, the UALR Programs Abroad Office will be present to provide information about study abroad programs and other international opportunities.”

At noon Tuesday, Nov. 18, Shawn Camp, former Department of State officer and international public relations consultant, will present a workshop on international careers in the Leadership Lounge at DSC Room 201T.
The closing event of the week will be an interfaith dialogue lunch at noon Nov. 20 in DSC Room 205 G. To make reservations for this event, visit the International Celebration website:

For more information on any of the events, contact Driskill at 501.569.3158.