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Going Up? Elevators Get Year-long Renovation

This month, UALR will launch a 12-month project to upgrade 29 of its campus elevators.

The first elevator maintenance work will begin in the Ottenheimer Library. Because the library has more than one elevator, only one car will be out of service at a time, allowing for uninterrupted service to all floors by the alternate elevators.

The $1.5 million project, made possible by funding from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 — also known as the federal economic stimulus — is on schedule to be complete by September 2011 in order to comply with state codes.

“The elevators to be upgraded, located in 16 buildings across campus, have been heavily used over a long time period, so we’ll all benefit from their modernization and safety features once complete,” said Dave Millay, associate vice chancellor of UALR Facilities Management.

Major construction sites, in addition to the library, are Administration North and South, Fribourgh Hall, Student Union “B,” and Ross Hall. A complete schedule is forthcoming, and the campus community will receive reminders before each phase of the project via e-mail.