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Just Ducky

Maybe you don’t know Tyson Wooters by name, but you just might recognize him in costume as the Oregon Ducks mascot.

For four years in college, Tyson romped around the field at University of Oregon games getting the crowd fired up. Now, he’s got something to say that will encourage you to fully participate in the various communities to which you belong&#151 to develop commitments that foster teamwork and experience the greater good that comes from our collective actions.

He’s funny, entertaining, and engaging. You’ll come away from this talk with a renewed sense of purpose and an obligation to serve. And you might even find out what that sweaty duck suit must have smelled like.

You can meet Tyson and be inspired at noon Nov. 2 in the DSC Ledbetter Room A, and if you get there early enough, there’s a free lunch involved.