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TechLaunch connects researchers, innovators, entrepreneurs

UALR has formally changed the name of its Center for Innovation & Commercialization to “UALR TechLaunch.”

TechLaunch Director Jeff Stinson said the new Stinson headshotname more accurately reflects the goal of launching technology-based companies and commercial initiatives built around university research and intellectual property.

“Plus, we anticipate that ‘TechLaunch’ will resonate better with corporate partners approached for collaboration or licensing opportunities,” Stinson said.

Established in 2006, the office has a portfolio of 37 pending patents and 20 granted patents. TechLaunch has executed four license agreements with startup companies and has incubated four spinoffs.

The program has been instrumental in other commercial and academic endeavors. Among them is the expansion of the Engineering and Information Technology SUPER (Summer Undergraduate Program of Entrepreneurship and Research) Scholars program. The program encompasses entrepreneurship and commercialization and planning while leading a prospective academic program for the design, development, testing and launching of websites and mobile apps.

Led by Jeff Stinson, a private equity and entrepreneurial developer with 23 years of experience in venture investing, TechLaunch works with university faculty, students, entrepreneurs, and businesses to commercialize university research and intellectual property.

For more information, visit TechLaunch or call 501.683.7459