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Society for Human Resource Management chapter coming to UALR

Dr. Jane Wayland, Stephen Harrow Smith Dean of Business, has announced that the UALR College of Business has been approved as the site for a Society for Human Resource Management chapter.

janewaylandA celebration and officer installation ceremony will take place at 5 p.m. Thursday, April 17, in the atrium of the Donald W. Reynolds Center for Business and Economic Development, located at West 28th Street and University Avenue on the UALR campus.

The Society for Human Resource Management is the most prestigious national organization in the field and offers students multiple networking opportunities.

Regional and national conferences, a mentorship program that features job shadowing, and connections with human resource professionals are among the benefits of membership for students.

The Central Arkansas Human Resources Association is sponsoring the UALR chapter, and Department of Management Chair Dr. Karen Leonard will serve as faculty sponsor.

Leonard noted that one of the organization’s strengths is that students need not declare themselves human resources majors in order to join.

“We are proud that our college has earned this national recognition and that our students have access to this important resource,” said Wayland.

“Ultimately, these investments in students and the college come down to a strengthening of the business climate and the quality of life in our community.”

The College of Business is joined by the Arkansas Society for Human Resource Management State Council and the Central Arkansas Human Resources Association in co-sponsoring the reception.

Established in 1959, the UALR College of Business is an AACSB-accredited program offering undergraduate and graduate education in business and economics. The college also houses the Institute for Economic Advancement, the Arkansas Small Business and Technology Development Center, the Kenneth and Pat Wilson Center for Economic Education and the Center for Professional Selling.

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