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Toastmasters at UALR reaches Distinguished Club status

The Toastmasters Club at UALR is the first in a three-state district to achieve Distinguished Club status.

Toastmasters International awards the designation annually to high-performing clubs that meet goals related to the education, training, recruitment, or administration of its members.

To be considered for recognition, the club must either have 20 members or a net growth of at least five new members as of June 30.

Rikki Turner
Rikki Turner

“This is a huge deal in Toastmasters and showcases what a fantastic club we have here at UALR, which is comprised primarily of UALR faculty and staff,” said former club president Rikki Turner, assistant director of residence life at UALR.

“We all know we have the best faculty and staff around, but this is just further proof,” she said.

Class Act Toastmasters at UALR provides its members a forum for developing speaking and leadership skills. It belongs to District 43, which consists of Arkansas, Mississippi, and Tennessee.

The club meets at noon in the Donaghey Student Center every Friday.

“We have an awesome group of people,” said current club president Alveno Smith. “Our club has a nice balance of improving our speaking and leadership skills, and having fun while doing it.”