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Nominations open for 2021 Staff Achievement Awards, Scholarships

The 2021 Staff Award winners will be celebrated April 5-9.

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is looking for the next winners of the 2021 Staff Achievement Awards.

UA Little Rock employees, students, and alumni can nominate an outstanding staff member for the awards until March 9.

For the first time, a $3,000 award, distributed via payroll, is given to the top UA Little Rock staff member in three categories: personal achievement, service to the university, and community service. Eligible employees are full-time regular classified and non-faculty/non-classified employees holding no academic rank.

The winners will be announced at the Staff Awards Ceremony on Friday, April 9. Staff members who are celebrating work anniversaries, have graduated in the past year, and retiring will also be recognized.

The three categories for nominations are:

  • Personal Growth – Recognition will go to an individual whose scholarship, research, or creative talent has been particularly outstanding.
  • Ben Fry Service to UA Little Rock – Recognition will go to an individual who is distinctive in service through committees, special events, implementation of creative ideas or support and encouragement of others.
  • Community Service – Recognition will go to an individual who has been particularly successful in organizing community events or had major achievements in civic, service, or specialty organizations/events.

In addition to the Staff Achievement Awards, the Staff Senate will award two Staff Senate Scholarship, a $250 scholarship, and two Jerry Crittenden Employee Book Scholarship, a $75 book scholarship, to employees who are furthering their education.

To fill out a nomination form for the Staff Achievement Awards and Staff Senate scholarships, visit the Staff Senate website.

For more information, please contact Jennifer McDannold at