Scivally named Trojan Outstanding Academic Advisor

A hard-working academic advisor in the College of Social Sciences and Communication with a passion for helping his students succeed has been named the winner of the inaugural Trojan Outstanding Academic Advisor Award.  Continue reading “Scivally named Trojan Outstanding Academic Advisor”

Academic Advising Award

UA Little Rock to honor top academic advisor with $1,000 award

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock has unveiled a new staff recognition program that will honor the work of those who guide students through the academic process.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock to honor top academic advisor with $1,000 award”

A warm fall day as a student walks past the Administration building on November 28, 2017.

Walk-in advising available through Jan. 25

University of Arkansas at Little Rock students can see an academic advisor without an appointment through Thursday, Jan. 25.  Continue reading “Walk-in advising available through Jan. 25”

Admissions officials help a University of Arkansas at Little Rock student register for classes during a Fastlane event.

Fastlane events make UA Little Rock advising, registering easy

University of Arkansas at Little Rock students who need a fast and easy way to get ready for the fall semester can attend one of five Fastlane Registration Nights.  Continue reading “Fastlane events make UA Little Rock advising, registering easy”

National association recognizes UALR student advisor

The National Academic Advising Association has awarded Carla Griffin a 2014 Outstanding Advising Award-Primary Advising Role Certificate of Merit. Continue reading “National association recognizes UALR student advisor”

Rock for the Cure

Our guest post this week comes from Kim Tran, assistant director of academic advising. Continue reading “Rock for the Cure”

Rock for the Cure team holds pre-race rally featuring breast cancer survivor, author

The UALR Rock for the Cure team captain reminds the campus community that it is not too late to join fellow team members in supporting the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure. Continue reading “Rock for the Cure team holds pre-race rally featuring breast cancer survivor, author”

College survival 101

If you’ve started college here, no doubt you have met Kim Tran, assistant director of Academic Advising. She was once an undergrad and works with students every day, so she knows first-hand about the freshman experience. She’s shared some tips for surviving your first year:

Getting an education now is more important than ever. According to a multi-year study of 10,000 people, BLS economist Chuck Pierret discovered that members of that group held, on average, 10.8 jobs between the ages of 18 and 42. If this is the case for today’s generation, that means you will need to make sure you continually evolve your self to remain employable.

Tips on how to survive your first year

First though, it is important for students to get a strong start in college.

  • Make sure you come with your books. Books are an investment. When you go to class, you should not only go to class and read only what is required, but use this as an opportunity to learn as much as you can about what you are studying. You should especially do this if you are a full-time student. You are here and if you truly value your time, you will want to make the best out of this great opportunity that you have. In short, it is up to you to make the most of your educational experience. Consider this a long-term investment in your SELF.
  • Balance. The biggest thing that students struggle with is workload versus academic load. so although some students start off as a traditional student, they often find jobs and start working (sometimes even taking on full-time work loads!). This makes it extremely hard to have a healthy work-life balance. Some students assume that financial aid is only possible carrying 12 hours of college credit or more, but financial aid is possible even at only six hours of credit. This is something that you can discuss with your academic advisor.
  • This is your fresh start. Many students also forget that college provides a clean slate and allow themselves to be defined by past success – or even failure. What you need to know is that now that you are in college, your performance here (for that semester) is what will matter. When I was working towards my undergrad degree at Arkansas State, I had a colleague who I attended the same high school as I had. When she was in high school, she was an average student and did OK; at that time, her goal was just to be social. But when she went to college, she decided that she wanted to get into optometry school. And she did. No one would have guessed based on how she performed in high school, but she studied very hard and graduated with almost a 4.0 in Biology. So, even though you may not have had a good start in high school, I remind all of my students that this is their time and that they need to use this as an opportunity to make the most out of their education at UALR.
  • Act short-term, but think long-term. True, you may be thinking just about getting off the ground this semester, but it is very important that you spend some time understanding your options. Your first and second semester (at the max) is when you should consider taking some academic risk. Ideally, you should have your options narrowed down to two or three majors and any exploratory courses you take should be used to help you further narrow down your options.
  • Get involved. In your first year, you will learn many things. How to manage your time, how to study, and even some things you may not have realized about yourself. That said, one thing you should also do is to get involved. There are many opportunities on campus. We have the Service Learning Fair in the Upper Concourse of the DSC on Sept. 1 from 9 a.m. -1 p.m, we have many academic clubs that you can join, intramural sports for those who like being active, and for those who like to lead – consider starting an initiative if there isn’t already something like that. This is your time and you should make something of it. You will carry this with you for life.
  • Be proud. It was not easy for you to get here, so you should be proud of getting this far! In addition to your family and friends, we – the UALR Community – are also proud of you!
  • Don’t forget to ask for help. If you encounter any problems with your courses or even need help with the content, reach out to your course instructor. We have a lot of intellectual assets at UALR, and, as always, your advisor is here to help as well.
  • Use your initiative. Make the most of this experience and have a great start to the semester!

Undergrads Encouraged to Explore the Majors

Freshmen students are encouraged to come Explore the Majors on Wednesday, Feb. 27, and learn more about the numerous academic programs available.

Continue reading “Undergrads Encouraged to Explore the Majors”

UALR rocks for the cure

Our students showed up in full force this past October to represent UALR to our community. Continue reading “UALR rocks for the cure”