Mauri Douglass is the recipient of the 2018 UA Little Rock Presidents Award. Photo by Sara Reeves.

Longtime UA Little Rock volunteer to receive President’s Award

For Mauri Douglass, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock holds a special place. It’s where she laid the foundation for a 30-year career in gifted education. It’s where she met her husband, where many of her lifelong friendships first took root, and where her own children would later attend. Continue reading “Longtime UA Little Rock volunteer to receive President’s Award”

Cheryl Avants stands in her office at Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Cheryl Avants joins Science Dean’s Council

In 2005, Cheryl Avants, clinical pharmacist for national accounts at Arkansas Blue Cross Blue Shield, went to great heights to provide an education for African children left orphaned by AIDS.  Continue reading “Cheryl Avants joins Science Dean’s Council”