Dawn Holder's "Once Upon a Time in the Forest of I’m Not Sweet Enough."

UALR to host “Arkansas Women to Watch”

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will host the artwork of four emerging and mid-career female artists from Arkansas whose pieces are featured in a statewide tour.  Continue reading “UALR to host “Arkansas Women to Watch””

Ted Grimmett

Print shop supervisor finds photography success at UALR

By day, Ted Grimmett works as the friendly print shop supervisor who has been at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Printing Services since 2003.

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Ted Grimmett's "Mirror Glass Construction"

UALR hosts Ted Grimmett photography exhibit

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Art Gallery will host an exhibit featuring the photography of Ted Grimmett.

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A face mask with cotton, silver beads, glass beads, coins, and leather is shown from the "Traditional Arts of the Bedouin" exhibition.

UALR to host exhibition on nomadic Bedouin people

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Gallery will host an exhibition featuring artwork and artifacts from the nomadic Bedouin people of Saudi Arabia.

Continue reading “UALR to host exhibition on nomadic Bedouin people”