Dr. William "Cody" Decker

UA Little Rock names interim vice chancellor of student affairs

Dr. William “Cody” Decker has been named interim vice chancellor of student affairs at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock names interim vice chancellor of student affairs”

UA Little Rock names Decker as associate provost and chief data officer

W. Cody Decker has been named associate provost and chief data officer at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, effective July  1. Continue reading “UA Little Rock names Decker as associate provost and chief data officer”

Dr. Richard Wang

UA Little Rock Institute fills chief data officer role for state of Arkansas

The Institute for Chief Data Officers at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock will fill an important role to help protect and maximize big data within the state of Arkansas.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock Institute fills chief data officer role for state of Arkansas”