Participants sign an MOU announcement at UA Little Rock.

UA Little Rock, Consulate of Mexico create partnership to promote community education programs

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock and the Consulate of Mexico in Little Rock have created a partnership to advance education initiatives primarily for Mexican nationals, those of Mexican origin, and others interested in Latino culture living in the central Arkansas region.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock, Consulate of Mexico create partnership to promote community education programs”

Emily Fendley visits France.

Recent grad lands international teaching position in France

A recent graduate of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock has been accepted into a prestigious international teaching program and will spend the next year gaining valuable professional experience teaching in France.  Continue reading “Recent grad lands international teaching position in France”

Graduating student plans to make difference by teaching in high-needs urban schools

When Jessica Tate, a 22-year-old native of Nashville, Arkansas, spent this summer teaching English as a second language in China, what she experienced led her to make a life-changing decision.  Continue reading “Graduating student plans to make difference by teaching in high-needs urban schools”

Venezuelan student finds new home at UA Little Rock

When Katherine Zambrano first moved to Little Rock to live with her aunt, whose husband was ill, Little Rock seemed like a different world compared to her hometown of Caracas, Venezuela, with a population of more than two million people.  Continue reading “Venezuelan student finds new home at UA Little Rock”

Dylan Wright overlooks Esquel in Argentina's Chubut province, where he and fellow students learned about local organized resistance to large mines.

UA Little Rock student researches the role of Argentinian films in LGBTQ rights

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock student spent the summer at a prestigious study abroad program where he examined Argentina’s films to determine the role they play in citizens’ LGBTQ rights.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock student researches the role of Argentinian films in LGBTQ rights”

Michael Warrick stands by his sculpture, “Straight Lines on a Round World,” in front of the Statehouse Convention Center in downtown Little Rock, which commemorates the 200th anniversary of the Louisiana Purchase Survey.

College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences awards four Summer Research Fellowship Grants

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences awarded $10,480 in Summer Research Fellowship Grants to four professors who are spending their summer breaks performing unique research.  Continue reading “College of Arts, Letters, and Sciences awards four Summer Research Fellowship Grants”

Erica Olson, of Gassville, Arkansas, received $2,500 from the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship program to study at the University of Granada: Center of Modern Languages in Spain during the fall semester. Photo by Ben Krain/UA Little Rock Communications.

Olson receives Gilman Scholarship to study abroad in Spain

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock student has received a prestigious Gilman Scholarship, so she can study abroad in Spain to improve her language skills to better serve her future Spanish-speaking patients.  Continue reading “Olson receives Gilman Scholarship to study abroad in Spain”

University of Arkansas at Little Rock

UA Little Rock certificate program in workplace Spanish helps meet demand for bilingual workers

With a growing need for bilingual workers in the workforce, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock has a certificate in workplace Spanish that enables workers to gain the language skills needed to engage Spanish speakers on the job.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock certificate program in workplace Spanish helps meet demand for bilingual workers”

Rebecca Moreira stands in front of the 12th Street Health and Wellness Clinic where she volunteers. Photo by Ben Krain.

Future doctor plans to use language skills to help people get better access to healthcare

As a Spanish interpreter at the 12th Street Health and Wellness Center in Little Rock, Rebecca Parker Moreira sees the challenges medical professionals and patients face when they cannot communicate with each other.  Continue reading “Future doctor plans to use language skills to help people get better access to healthcare”