Orientation leaders help incoming students during a freshman orientation session.

Check out these unique course selections for fall 2019

The fall 2019 semester has just begun. For students still searching for an interesting course to fill out their fall schedule, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock has some great choices.
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UA Little Rock offers Weekend University for lifelong learning

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will begin a new Weekend University on March 9 that will offer central Arkansans a series of 90-minute micro-classes on topics ranging from Shakespeare to stargazing.

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UA Little Rock professor to lead dialogue on fake news

Dr. Christopher Etheridge, assistant professor in the School of Mass Communication at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, will speak on “Fake News: Implications for Democracy,” as part of the Arkansas Coalition for Peace and Justice’s Community Dialogue series taking place Tuesday, Oct. 16, from 5:30-7 p.m. in the Darragh suite of the Central Arkansas Library, 100 Rock St. in downtown Little Rock.   Continue reading “UA Little Rock professor to lead dialogue on fake news”

Nitin Agarwal. Photo by Lonnie Timmons III/UA Little Rock Communications.

Agarwal honored as international IARIA fellow

Dr. Nitin Agarwal, Jerry L. Maulden-Entergy endowed chair and information science professor at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, was recently honored for a prestigious international fellowship for his achievements in social media and technology research. Continue reading “Agarwal honored as international IARIA fellow”

Nitin Agarwal

Naval Research office awards Nitin Agarwal $1.5 million grant

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock professor has received more than $1.5 million to research ways to aid U.S. military forces in the fight against cyber propaganda campaigns.  Continue reading “Naval Research office awards Nitin Agarwal $1.5 million grant”

Nitin Agarwal head shot

Agarwal addresses NATO meeting on dangers of information disseminated by botnets

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock professor advised members of NATO about the danger of false information distributed online through botnets, a network of computer programs that act autonomously on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook. Continue reading “Agarwal addresses NATO meeting on dangers of information disseminated by botnets”

Nitin Agarwal head shot

Agarwal serves on roundtable covering trolls, bots, and fake news

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock information science professor was one of four experts to participate in a roundtable discussion that explored how trolls, bots, and other new phenomena are shaping conversations and shifting public discourse in an online environment. Continue reading “Agarwal serves on roundtable covering trolls, bots, and fake news”