UA Little Rock student studies microplastics in Little Rock wetlands

Nearly 73 percent of all water in the Little Rock metropolitan area drains into a watershed located in the Fourche Creek wetlands. Harmful objects are often found within it, including small plastics that often go unnoticed but can have a major impact on the environment. Continue reading “UA Little Rock student studies microplastics in Little Rock wetlands”

Dr. Stephen Grace works in the UA Little Rock Campus Garden. Photo by Lonnie Timmons III/UA Little Rock Communications.

Sustainability grant will lead to new greenhouse for Campus Garden, more fresh food for Trojan Food Pantry

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Sustainability Committee has awarded a $2,500 grant that will provide more growing opportunities for the UA Little Rock Campus Garden as well as an increase in fresh produce for the Trojan Food Pantry.  Continue reading “Sustainability grant will lead to new greenhouse for Campus Garden, more fresh food for Trojan Food Pantry”