Dr. Missy Collins, a dentist at Arkansas Children's Hospital, discusses dental health with a group of children at the Future Smiles Dental Clinic.

Grant will fund dental care for nearly 1,400 Little Rock children

Nearly 1,400 at-risk children in the Little Rock School District will have access to dental care this year, thanks to a grant from America’s ToothFairy, a foundation dedicated to improving children’s oral health.  Continue reading “Grant will fund dental care for nearly 1,400 Little Rock children”

Two dental hygiene students from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences show a student how to properly brush his teeth at the Future Smiles Dental Clinic.

Donations bring brighter smiles to Little Rock children

Parents in the Little Rock School District can smile brighter knowing their children’s dental health is secure.

Continue reading “Donations bring brighter smiles to Little Rock children”