UA Little Rock Association for Computing Machinery to offer game development workshop

The UA Little Rock Association for Computing Machinery student chapter will host a game development workshop for teachers, high school juniors and seniors, and adults from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 21, at the College of Engineering and Information Technology building room 217. Continue reading “UA Little Rock Association for Computing Machinery to offer game development workshop”

Photo: Back row (L to R): Zack Bolt, Tanner Marshall, Geoffrey Townsley, Alex Barton, Joe Williams, and Kyle Hooks. Front row: Olivia Dunlap, Robbie Hunt, and Loren Snow.

UA Little Rock to host Global Game Jam Jan. 25-27

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will host a Global Game Jam Jan. 25-27 for those who are interested in creating a game in 48 hours.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock to host Global Game Jam Jan. 25-27”

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will host a Global Game Jam Jan. 26-28 for adults who are interested in creating a game in 48 hours.

UA Little Rock to host Global Game Jam Jan. 26-28

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock will host a Global Game Jam Jan. 26-28 for adults who are interested in creating a game in 48 hours. Continue reading “UA Little Rock to host Global Game Jam Jan. 26-28”