Karl Lenser

The Resolution Solution

The new year is quickly approaching and with that arrives the standard new year’s resolutions that usually include some sort of fitness and weight loss goals. Unfortunately, the success rate for some of the weight loss and “get in shape” resolutions is usually quite dismal.  Continue reading “The Resolution Solution”

Karl Lenser


So what exactly is metabolism, and why are so many people interested in obtaining a faster one? Your metabolism is an ongoing process that your body undergoes 24/7 throughout your entire lifetime. Simply stated, it’s a group of chemical and physical actions that help your body create and expend energy (calories).  Continue reading “METABOLISM BOOSTING: WHAT CAN YOU DO?”

UA Little Rock faculty and staff members are invited to partner with a teammate and create a unique team name. Each week from Feb. 5 to March 18, each two-person team that accumulates a total of 75,000 steps for the week will be entered for a chance to win prizes. Free T-shirts will be granted to all participants.

Employee Wellness step challenge to begin Feb. 5

It’s time to lace up those shoelaces and get fit for the New Year with the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Employee Wellness fitness step challenge. Continue reading “Employee Wellness step challenge to begin Feb. 5”

Marie Sandusky (left), UALR director of health services, works out with Karl Lenser (right), UALR employee wellness coordinator. Photo by Lonnie Timmons III/UALR Communications.

Workshop to teach employees how to get fit without the gym

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock is showing employees how to get fit without a gym membership by using a few simple workout devices and exercises.  Continue reading “Workshop to teach employees how to get fit without the gym”

Karl Lenser

Holiday Weight Management 101

The six-week holiday season is fast approaching. For many individuals, this is a challenging time if weight control is a concern. Studies over the years have shown that the average weight gain between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is 6-8 pounds, which translates to 21,000–28,000 extra, unwanted fat calories. You would have to walk 175-230 miles to burn off those calories (120 calories/mile).  Continue reading “Holiday Weight Management 101”

The healing totem in the National Library of Medicine herb garden began its year-long journey in 2010, with the selection of a downed 500-year-old red cedar by Jewell Praying Wolf James.

UA Little Rock to host exhibit exploring health concepts of native populations

The University of Arkansas at Little Rock Sequoyah National Research Center will host an exhibit exploring health and illness among Native Americans, Alaska Natives, and Native Hawaiians.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock to host exhibit exploring health concepts of native populations”