Americans Urged to Embrace Mexican Ties

Historian, essayist, and publisher Enrique Krauze, recognized as one of the world’s leading visionaries on Mexico’s political future, says the current U.S. election season fights over Mexican immigration is a disturbing sign of growing American isolationism that this country can ill afford.

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Wife of Dr. Harold Vaughn Dies

Maria Pia Casanuova Vaughn, wife of Dr. Harold Vaughn, director emeritus of UALR’s International Programs for 10 years during the 1980s and 1990s, died Oct. 1 in the Washington area following an eight-week illness.

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‘Green’ Developer to talk on Sustainable, Affordable Building

Carlton Brown, a national leader in sustainable building and affordable green development, will discuss sustainable building and affordable “green” development at 4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 26.

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Peace Corp Recruiter to Visit

Shand Laughlin, regional recruiter for the Peace Corps, will be on campus to inform students about the organization and how to volunteer. The information session will be at 3 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4, in the Leadership Lounge on the second floor of the Donaghey Student Center, across the hall from the Office of Campus Life.

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Mexican Historian Presents Rockefeller Lecture Wednesday

Mexican historian and author Enrique Krauze, one of the world’s leading visionaries on Mexico’s political future, will present the Winthrop Rockefeller Distinguished Lecture at 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 27, at UALR’s University Theatre.

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Food, Fun on Tap at International Student Mixer

American and international students are invited to the UALR International Mixer at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 20, to meet and greet each other in a  social venue.

“We will be signing up students interested in joining a new UALR International Student Association, which is open to all UALR students,” said Dr. Jacek Lubecki, associate professor of political science and sponsor of the student association. “We will also be holding elections for student officers. All UALR students and faculty are welcome to attend.”

Refreshments and Middle Eastern food will be served free of charge. Students should RSVP by Wednesday, Oct. 13, to help with estimates of food needs.

“But if folks don’t reserve in time, that doesn’t mean they cannot attend,” Lubecki said.

The event is hosted by the Office of International Services, the International Studies Program, and the Middle Eastern Studies Program.

Panel to Discuss Ark. Immigration Oct. 12

A panel discussion on Arizona’s Senate Bill 1070, the state’s controversial new strict immigration law, and other states attempts to copy it is the final event in UALR’s Hispanic Heritage Month 2010 activities.

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Jones to Coordinate Programs Abroad

Aimee Jones, whose experience abroad began when she was 14 living with a Swiss family, has joined UALR as programs abroad coordinator in the Office of International Services. Jones, of Boone, N.C., also has studied abroad in Sydney, Australia, and has independently traveled in various countries.

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Class ‘Travels’ to Middle East Through Literature

Dr. Andrea W. Hermann, professor in the Department of Rhetoric and Writing, offers students a way to tour the Middle East without leaving Arkansas. All it takes is enrolling in her Tuesday evening class, “Reading and Writing in the Middle East.”

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Junior Helps Spread Literacy in Two Languages

Katie Keen of Benton majors in international studies and Spanish. But her overall interest is helping people to learn to read, whatever the language.

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