UALR Spanish student gains experience through new internship program

A new internship program for Spanish majors at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock is providing a unique community service opportunity for nonprofit organizations that serve the Arkansas Hispanic community.

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Photograph of the nation's capitol building.

Scholarships available for Washington, D.C. internships

Five scholarships are available for University of Arkansas at Little Rock students interested in interning in Washington, D.C. this summer through the Washington Center.

An information session will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday, April 5, in Stabler Hall 502.

Interested students should contact Dr. Elisabeth Sherwin, a professor of psychology who is the university liaison for the Washington Center, by April 9.

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Group photo of the three interns at the Attorney General's office.

Three UALR students intern for the Attorney General

Three students from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock were selected for the highly competitive internship program in the Arkansas Attorney General’s office. Only five students in the state were chosen for this program.

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