Photo of Lashun Massey by Jerry Davis.

Environmental engineering professor to compete for Mrs. Arkansas America

An environmental engineering professor by day, Dr. Lashun Massey is about to take on a very different role as she competes against 17 other contestants for the title of Mrs. Arkansas America on Nov. 10.  Continue reading “Environmental engineering professor to compete for Mrs. Arkansas America”

Environmental engineering professor and program coordinator to compete in Mrs. Arkansas America pageant

Dr. Lashun Thomas, program coordinator of the environmental engineering program at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, has switched out her engineering cap for a crown. Continue reading “Environmental engineering professor and program coordinator to compete in Mrs. Arkansas America pageant”

Nathan Taylor, Sylvia Szwedo, Kassandra Castrillo, Paloma Salazar, Lora Heath, and Dr. Jim Winter​. Not shown: Courtney Curry, Jaylen Gregory, and Kristen Gregory

Science Scholars present research at state conference

Eight students from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock recently presented their research at the Arkansas IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) Conference in Fayetteville on Oct. 27-28, 2017. Continue reading “Science Scholars present research at state conference”