University of Arkansas at Little Rock students write Letters of Hope to Syria as part of International Celebration Week. Photo by Brittany Wright.

UA Little Rock sends Letters of Hope to Syria

For sisters Taibah and Maisarah Alnadawi, having the opportunity to write letters of hope to the people of Syria was a small way to give back to the country that used to be their home.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock sends Letters of Hope to Syria”

Razan Shahab-al-Sham (left) and Mouaz Moustafa deliver mattresses and blankets to Syrian refugees taking shelter in Hacipasa, a village on the Turkish-Syrian border. Photo provided by Spark Media.

UA Little Rock to host screening on Syrian Civil War, Q&A with Syrian activist Mouaz Moustafa

In coordination with Arkansas Peace Week, the University of Arkansas at Little Rock Middle Eastern Studies Program will host a screening of the film, “Red Lines,” at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19, in the Student Services Center Room 104. Continue reading “UA Little Rock to host screening on Syrian Civil War, Q&A with Syrian activist Mouaz Moustafa”