Ramiro Serrano hellps UA Little Rock student Pauline Rouillon test Anatomic Eyes. Photo by Ben Krain.

Volunteers are helping bring virtual cadaver training program to life

Marisa Perry did not expect to spend part of her day dissecting a virtual cadaver, but the opportunity to help test a virtual reality medical training program intrigued her.  Continue reading “Volunteers are helping bring virtual cadaver training program to life”

Emerging Analytics Center Student Researcher Ramiro Serrano Vergel dissects a virtual corpse on the Immersive virtual reality table at the EAC center. Photo by Lonnie Timmons III/UA Little Rock Communications.

Volunteers sought to test virtual cadaver program

Students at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock are helping to test a new program in development at the Emerging Analytics Center that lets users conduct basic anatomy training in a virtual environment.  Continue reading “Volunteers sought to test virtual cadaver program”