Madeline Burke

UA Little Rock student wins SURF award to research outdated maritime law cited by lawyers in Missouri Duck Boat tragedy

A University of Arkansas at Little Rock student has received a $2,750 Student Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) award from the Arkansas Department of Education to research an outdated maritime law that lawyers invoked in an attempt to avoid or limit legal damages sought by victims and their family members in a tourist boat accident that killed 17 people last summer.  Continue reading “UA Little Rock student wins SURF award to research outdated maritime law cited by lawyers in Missouri Duck Boat tragedy”

Madeline Burke

Four UA Little Rock students receive SURF research fellowships

Four UA Little Rock students have received the prestigious Student Undergraduate Research Fellowships from the Arkansas Department of Higher Education to conduct research this spring with help from faculty mentors. Continue reading “Four UA Little Rock students receive SURF research fellowships”

Leila Rosenkrans. Photo by Ben Krain.

Lelia Rosenkrans named 2018 Whitbeck Award winner

Lelia Rosenkrans’ academic interests pull in seemingly opposite directions. She is passionate about dance and the artistry and self-expression that comes from the creative process. And she is equally in love with science and the possibilities of discovery through disciplined research.  Continue reading “Lelia Rosenkrans named 2018 Whitbeck Award winner”